Monday, November 10, 2014

Bloopers! First try! Lightworks!

So, long time no see without any updates.

And I'm not going to tell a long story of my current activities. Not at all. But here, why lah tetibe rajin sangat, nak share a short and my first try using Lightworks project. Maybe i love editing video so much. luls

And I'm so sorry to my dear friends for using your bloopers ^^

<<< Bloopers G-SIXTEEN ASPer9 >>>

So here I linked where I got the Lightworks software. Its a nice and looks-so-professional editing video software, but unfortunately we can't add any text in the video.

And at first its hard actually for me to make that simple-17-seconds video. I guess its better to just stick with Ulead Video Studio. But WHY I CAN'T FIND THE FREE ONE?! *crying*