Friday, July 10, 2015

What If Humans Were Like Animals ?

Saya ada lebih kurang dalam 10 minggu untuk cuti semester nih untuk lakukan perkara-perkara yang saya nak buat dan perkara-perkara yang tak berkesempatan untuk saya buat selama nih.

One of them is, reading.

Bukan lah "membaca" to be exact, tapi nak menghabiskan buku-buku yang saya dah beli kat Big Bad Wolf, Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur dan kedai-kedai buku biasa yang menerima baucer buku 1 Malaysia.

Honestly, saya tak cukup rajin nak buat review mengenai buku yang saya dah baca, walaupon niat tuh ada, tapi kali nih, why not saya share some contents from the book I'd read, since it's a fun-facts book.

What If Humans Were Like Animals ?

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Buku nih sesuai untuk mereka yang berumur lingkungan 9 - 12 tahun. Tapi tak bermakna yang dah tua bangka tak boleh baca, or tak perlu baca. Memandangkan buku nih berkisarkan fakta tetapi dalam bentuk lucu, jadi tak salah untuk yang tua bangka nih nak baca. Ecehhh ayat nak back up diri sendiri sebenarnya sebab baca buku kanak-kanak. kahkah.

Untuk pengisian entry kali nih, saya hanya salin bulat-bulat jeh tanpa translate kepada bahasa Melayu. Maaf kalau nampak kemalasan saya kali nih =='

What if Humans Were Like Animals?

Do your parents ever complain that you're behaving like an animal? They usually mean that you are being messy or eating with your mouth open, but what if humans really were like animals?

Sometimes rats eat some of their own young to make sure that only the healthiest babies survive. If humans did this, you'd have to be careful not to annoy your dad!       Hati-hati naaa

Leap of Faith

The day after baby wood ducks hatch, they have to jump out of the tree where their nest is before they can fly. If they are lucky, they have a soft landing and don't hurt themselves.       Macam mana kalau kita?

What if You Lived Between Your Dad's Legs?

How would you feel about standing outside in -40*C for 64 days? You probably wouldn't jump at the chance, but male emperor penguins do this every year, while looking after an egg between their legs when their mates go in search of food. Would you like being crammed between your dad's knees for over two months in the freezing cold?       I wouldn't, but I'm might touched. luls


It's possible that bowhead whales can live for over 200 years, making them the longest-living mammals on the planet. If you could reach this age, your birthday cake would have to be massive to hold all of the candles. Would you have enough puff left to blow them all out?       HAHA

Take a Bow

What if you saw little kids politely bowing to each other in the playground? This is what dogs do when they want to play - they bow deeply to each other. How polite!       WOW!

What if Life Were a Musical?

If humans communicated like animals, everyday life would become very exciting and strange. You'd certainly never be bored.

Whales communicate with song, even though their clicks, squeals, and long, drown-out groans may not sound very musical to us. If all of your teachers taught their lessons in song, school would be a lot more lively, don't you think? And by whale-singing standards, it wouldn't even matter if they couldn't sing very well.       Hahaha macam syok sendiri jeh

What if You Fell in Love With Farts?

Most people consider farting rude, smelly, and something that should be avoided in public at all costs, but some animals are unashamed of their tremendous gases.

Farts - they are wonderful things if you're a southern pine beetle. The smell of the female beetle's farts is highly attractive to a male. So, ladies, forget the perfume or bubble bath, all you need is what nature gave you - a healthy dose of digestive gas.       Kahkahkah

Nutrient Nabbers

Believe it or not, some pesky parasites steal nutrients from other animals. Male angler fish attach themselves to the much larger female angler fish and absorb nutrients from them. If human males were parasites like this, imagine how annoying it would be if you were just running to the store and were bombarded by a horde of tiny men trying to nab your nutrients.       Euwww. Scary!

X-tra Special

The X-tra tetra fish has a see-through body, so you can see all of its inner working. If you were transparent, everyone would be able to see what you'd just eaten for lunch.       Amazed!

What if Your Mom Puked in Your Mouth?

Some mother birds feed their babies by eating the food first and then vomiting it back up into their little ones' mouths. It's called regurgitation. Human babies need feeding more frequently than adults, so if your mom fed you like this, that would be a whole lot of puking.       Euuwww geli. Haha anak tak sedar diri.

Fine Dining...Down the Toilet

Magpie birds regularly pick hrough piles of animal poo, looking for undigested food. If you did the same, you'd have to eat all of your meals in the bathroom and would probably become seriously ill from all of the nasty bacteria.       Disgusted.

What if Someone Drank Your Sweat?

Sweat bees live on hot countries and land on people's faces to drink their sweat. What if every time you got a bit hot and sweaty you had to fend off other people swooping in for a tasty lick? Gym class at school would be a nightmare.       Masinnyaaa

What if You Had To Dance For Your Dinner?

What if dancing weren't just a fun thing to do, but were actually essential for your survival? Weasels are said to perform a hypnotizing "dance" to confuse their prey before they pounce. Imagine if your parents made you dance for your dinner every day. Cringe!       Boleh kurus aku ginih gaya

What if Your Mom Ate Your Dad'd Head?

Isn't it gross when your mom and dad kiss and hold hands? Consider yourself lucky that your mom doesn't have the habits of an insect called praying mantis. After getting romantic, the female sometimes bites off her partner's head. Just be grateful that your dad still has his head - some poor praying mantis kids can't say the same about this.       Confirm laki serik dah nak ber-romantic kahkahkah

Dance for Your Life

Male wolf spiders do special dances that (sometimes) stop the females from eating them. What if your dad had to dance for your mom to make sure he lived to see another day? It might be entertaining for you, but your poor dad wouldn't find it much fun.       Taktau nak sedih atau nak gelak huhu

Newborn Gnawers

In some spider species, the first thing babies do after hatching is eat their mother. That's a nice way to thank you poor old mom!       Terkesima ayah

Monster Babies

Probably the most unlucky mother in the animal world is the gall midge (a type of flying insect). Her gruesome babies are so impatient to be born that they eat their way out of her body. Just imagine...       Nak beranak pon sakit, inikan pula baby makan perut mak dari dalam. Hmmm

Spit 'n' Sleep

The edible-nest swiftlet is a small bird that makes a nest from its own spit. The spit dries out to make a solid crust. Would you like sleeping in a bed made of your mom and dad's spit?       Bersyukur lah tak kena ludah huhu

Babies For Breakfast

Goldfish eat their own eggs. If you were in danger of being eater from the moment you popped into the world, you'd really have to rely on a nurse at the hospital to save you from your hungry mom.       Bersyukur lah tak kena makan masa baby dulu

What if Your Parents Abandoned You?

If you hatched out of an egg on a deserted beach and your mom nowhere to be seen, do you think you could find your way home? Turtles bury their eggs in the sand and then leave them there to hatch.       Ini mungkin berlaku dalam dunia realiti. Kes pembuangan bayi. Tapi penyu tak buang bayi, cuma lumrah alam.

Thanks, Mom

Most birds look after their babies for at least a couple weeks, but megapode chicks have to fend for themselves from day one. Imagine if you'd had to wash your clothes and cook your own meals as a baby.       Now I realised, betapa manja nya kita berbanding makhluk Allah yang lain. Itu pon masih merungut. #deep

The Booby Prize
Male dyak fruit bats are the only male mammals that have milk-producing breasts, so both moms and dads feed their young. Just imagine your own dad with a pair of breasts...       Kahkahkah ini lawak kahkah

Who Needs a Handshake?

When your cat lovingly rubs his head against your leg, he's marking you as part of his territory with his facial scent glands. What if this were how your best friend greeted you at school every day?       Oooo I didn't knew that!

Bloody Bears

By the time polar bears finish their two-week mating season, the males are covered in blood from fighting each other. This might be an attractive look for a polar bear, but it's not a recommended way to impress humans.       Ini baru namanya sanggup berkorban nyawa demi orang yang dicintai. kehkeh

What if Girls Were in Charge?

Clownfish live in groups of males, led by one dominant female. Does a male take charge if the female dies? Sure, but he has to change into a female clownfish first.       HAHAHA 

Masha Allah. Hebat tak kuasa Allah. Merancang apa yang sudah terbaik untuk hambaNya. Every thing happens for reasons. Dan siapa kita untuk mempertikaikan rancangan dan ciptaan Allah.

Assalamualaikum. Dan selamat berpuasa :)

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