Saturday, May 17, 2014

How to download a video without video downloader software? (In my own way) *cont.

This is the continuous of the previous post.

This time i wanna share more if the video in Youtube has subtitle that isn't in the video. Okay a quite confusing right. I mean, the video has subtitle, but the subtitle isn't in the video, yet you need to "on" the "caption" button so that the subtitle will appeared. Something like this,

71 Into The Fire. *woot woot*

Or another example,

Miss A & 2PM *woot woot*

See? If you want to read the subtitles, you need to "on" the "caption" box. This means that the subtitle and the video are separated.

So, if you want to download this type of video in Youtube by following my way in previous entry, you will just download the video+audio only, with no subtitle included.

Hence, this is my another desperate way to download a subbed video from Youtube without using video downloader software.

I remind you, this is really desperate okayyy. lol

So you just follow all the steps that i shared in previous entry until at this point.

Ohh God, you see what movie I was download. Its 71 Into The Fireeeeee!
And do ignore what i told in the picture. It just an ad.

Once you are at this point, you can choose which one you want to download, either number "1" option, or number "2" option.
Then, after you finished download it, or maybe in the meantime of downloading, you can click on the number "3" link which is "Download SRT".
Make sure both Java and Show Log are "off".

When you click the number "3" link, you are actually downloading the subtitle of the video. Just the subtitle. But unfortunately, it is in Aegisub format. It is a little bit trouble for people who didn't have the software.

Here, i give you the link of Aegisub if you insist to download the subtitle though you didn't have the software. Well actually, you might need the Aegisub eventually because you may encounter many more videos which need Aegisub to progress it together, soon. So, i may say, its a need to have Aegisub. 

Don't worry, Aegisub is trusted software. And many subbing teams around the world use this software. Even the Running Man subbing team too, iSUBS

But unfortunately, i can't give the download tutorial for the Aegisub because i forgot already which one i choose. Besides, this is really out of my field. My simple advice is, install the suitable type that can work well with your personal computer.

once you already downloaded the video and the subtitle, you can now watch the video happily by using Aegisub itself, or if you know how to combine the video and subtitle into one file, then you can watch it through Window Media Player. *since i didn't know how to combine them, so i just watch it using Aegisub*

A little bit tips on how to use Aegisub for those who knows nothing,

First, open the desired Aegisub file,

Then, it will shows you the content of what you've downloaded. Go to -> Video -> Open Video...

Then find the video that you want to watch,

Actually i want to open the The Deathly Hallows Part 1,
but i printscreened the wrong one. lol

Next, after the video is loaded, go to -> Audio -> Open Audio From Video

Its Harry Potterrrrr ^^

Then, wait until the loading is finished. It might takes a few minutes.

Once it finished loading, you can now enjoy the story while have a cup of tea :)

Sorry for bad and this worse tutorial ever. If any suggestion please share with me.

Have a nice evening! Assalamualaikum :)

How to download a video without video downloader software? (In my own way)

Okayy now its already 1:34 AM and i'm not sleeping yet, because i think i wanna share a bit of my desparate way to download a video from Youtube without the Youtube downloader software. My way is actually illegal, and hell yeahhh, this is called desparate okayyy. *dahlah post dalam bahasa Inggeris, memang cari nahas kau jahhh*

Since i just downloaded a Korean movie, "Miracle In Cell No. 7" so i share with you guys how i downloaded it.


i googled it or search the title in the Youtube search box directly. Since its the Korean movie, so i need the eng subbed video.
When I found the video, at the above of the page, there is an url of the video. So i copied the url.
This is really really daring of me. I might get banned. I don't know lol.


i google again "keepvid" or you guys can search for "" and paste the copied URL just now inside the provided box. And then click the "DOWNLOAD" button. 

Then, it will shows you something like this,

This is the result after i clicked the "DOWNLOAD" button.

If it didn't show you something similar like this, try scrolling to the bottom of the page. And you can find this,

There you will found "Java" and "Show Log". Make sure both of them are "off". Then it will shows you like the previous picture :)


There are many options i can choose to download, but be careful you guys, some of them only have video with no audio and some may have audio with no video. We want both video and audio right, so choose the best one :)

So far from my experiences, i just choose two options only, 

either the number "1" or number "2".

Well let me explain a little bit the differences of these two options.

For number "1" option,

Based on my first time experience and experiment, this option seems okay so far. By the means of "okayyy" is, the moment it finished downloading i can open the video and watch it by using Window Media Player (the common people use). So its okayyy! No need to find another software to open the video. 

But remember, the link tells you that it is "max 480p" only. So this become a sadly disadvantage for you, me and us. I'm sorry for that :(

And another disadvantage is, it took a really really long time to finish downloading, about 3 to 4 hours. But as the video i downloaded is 2 hours long, so quite a reasonable disadvantage i think.

For number "2" option,

I tried using this option once, when i want to download a six-minute-long video. It took about half an hour to finish downloading. But as it finished, i can't open the video through common one, Window Media Player. I'd almost delete the video when i remembered that i have another software called Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (MPC-HC). So i tried open it through the MPC-HC and thank God, Alhamdulillah, it works ^^

When you want to download it, click the link of the option you had chose. Not the grey "DOWNLOAD" button at the right side. Okay?

Then finally, the last one,
Watch the video happily (:

So my dilemma to download videos is solved for now. *wink wink*

Okayyy, i know this is really a bad things to teach you guys, but seriously i remind you guys, this is called desparate way :(

And i'm hoping if you guys have any other ways that convenient to follow, please share :) Don't forget to correct me if there is some misunderstanding of my way.

Goodnite, Assalamualakum :)

Hashtag Taktaulah Nape Tetiba Nak Speaking Dalam Entry Kali Nih Hashtag Fine Saya Tau Saya Banyak Salah Dalam Grammar Hashtag English Saya Memang Tunggang Langgang Pon Hashtag So What Hashtag Haha Hashtag Tah Pape

Friday, May 16, 2014

Which language should i learn?

Well, dari sekolah rendah lagi berminat sangat nak belajar bahasa asing nih. SERIOUS! Bermula dengan Mandarin. Then, bila naik form 3 tiba tiba interested ngan Korean and Japanese pulak. Pastuh dah masuk Asasi nih, masa nak usha usha course degree untuk apply permohonan, tampah pulak lagi satu, which is French. Ohh tak lupa Bahasa Arab. Tak silap masa sekolah menengah terdetik nak sangat kuasai Bahasa Arab. Tapi tak sit exam Arab masa form 1 harituh. *crying*

Tuh baru cerita minat dalam bidang bahasa asing. Belum lagi minat kerjaya kan. Kalau boleh nak try semua benda. Berangan macam Superwoman boleh handle semua benda. Padahal bagi sikit ujian dah menangis nangis. haiyaaaaa

So memandangkan memang takde kerja sangat nih, saya share lah sikit sumber sumber macam mana saya belajar dulu kala masa tengah comel comel lagi. Hihihi. Wekkkk :P

Okeh first HANGUL,
Sebab minat ke Kpop katakan, tuh yang sanggup belajar bahasa diorang. Sanggup belajar tulisan diorang, huruf huruf diorang. Tapi hampehhh, sekerat jalan jeh. Boleh lah tulis, baca sikit sikit. Tapi nak nyanyi part rap GD (member group BIGBANG tuhh^^) dalam lagu One Of A Kind memang tak lahhh ==' Nak faham ape yang diorang cakap lagi lah kelaut.

Honestly, pendapat saya, nak belajar tulisan Korea serious mudah sangat. Huruf dy pon tak banyak. Saya belajar lepas PMR, masa cuti cuti tuh dalam 2-3 bulan, then dah boleh tulis. Cuma yang part vowel tuh, sampai sekarang tak mantap, sebab confuse. Huhu

Rajin rajin lah practice menulis ye. Ohh sebelum lupa, i got this from here :)

Second, bahasa Jepun,
Saya try belajar tulisan dy lepas SPM. Tapi satu mende pon tak ingat. Sebab minat tak se-mendalam nak belajar Hangul mungkin, huhu.

Tak ingat ambil kat website mana. Rasa nye main Google jeh kot.
So, credit to the owner :)

Third Mandarin,
Okehh yang nih start belajar masa enam tahun lagi tak silap. Belajar numbering dengan akak, tapi dah lupa, huwaaaa T_T
So sekarang tengah cuti tetiba lah terdetik nak belajar sikit basic dy. Well lets see how far i could go. *cabaran disahut* *kononnn*
Untuk buat masa nih, saya tak mampu nak belajar tulisan dy, sbb bagi saya tulisan Mandarin adalah yang paling susah compared to yang Korea and Japan. So belajar speaking jelah ye.

This one the basic only. Sesuai kalau pergi melancong, for better communication.

Yang lain lain tuh, takde rezeki, takde jodoh nampak nye TT_TT

Susah kan kalau minat setinggi Gunung Everest. Minat melebihi keupayaan. Payahhh. And now still in dilemma, which language should i learn?

Okehh sampai sinih jeh, bye bye

Assalamualaikum, selamat tidur dengan lena :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Asasi Sains Pertanian Batch 9 2013/2014 Part 1

Okeh maybe tak terlambat nak share my one-year-experience-as-ASPer kat sinih walaupon dah 4 hari jadi ex-ASPerian. Dengan harapan boleh jadi sumber rujukan bakal bakal junior ASPer. Huhu haha hehe hoho

Untuk pengetahuan semua, ASPer stands for Asasi Sains Pertanian, the only foundation course in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), located at Serdang, Selangor. And i was in ASPer Batch 9 2013/2014.  Well, satu misunderstanding yang sangat common adalah, mereka akan sangka masuk UPM nih memang confirm confirm jadi petani moden, petani kuno or whatever petani.

Well actually ITS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Nama jeh asasi pertanian tapi masa degree you can choose which course you want to pursue :) Even medic sekali tau! ^^ Tapi nak citer pasal course yang available tuh lain kali lah ye. Tak tido malam kalau nak share sekarang huhu

Teringat masa mula mula daftar 25 May 2013, tarikh keramat tuhhh sbb birthday one of my bestfriends, and tarikh saya kena daftar Asasi. Excited+nervous and macam macam perasaan. Maklumlah, saya bukan dari pelajar sbp or mrsm, so takde pengalaman duduk jauh ngan family. Tup tap tup tap tiba tiba kena hantar kat Selangor. And kena survive sendiri, mana lah tak cuak kan =='

Since saya nih memang dulu dulu samseng sekolah samseng jalanan, so buat selambe badak jeh datang pendaftaran kul 11 lebih. Hasilnya, dapat lah stay kat KPZ - Kolej Pendeta Za'ba or Kolej Ke-Sembilan (boleh tekan link website rasmi KPZ atau blog kpz untuk tahu lebih lanjut 😄). Mana yang daftar awal, ditempatkan di K13 (Kolej 13). So itu hal diorang sape yang stay kat K13. And i'm gonna tell you guys whats the specialty of KPZ.

Seriously, for me KPZ memang serious awesome gilerrrr. Sebab...

  1. Satu bilik dua orang.
  2. Bilik yang sangat kondusif dengan kelegkapan yang boleh tahan lah.
  3. Suis plug tuh walaupon satu jeh untuk seorang penghuni, tapi takde hal lah nak bawak extension wire *wink wink*
  4. Low seniority. Means kami takde lah kena beriya sakan tegur senior senior tuh. Just berbudi bicara jaga tingkah laku. That's fine. Diorang tak kacau pon hidup saya so far. Plus that, mostly diorang lebih focus on first year degree students.
  5. Tandas boleh tahan bersih sbb hampir setiap hari makcik makcik cleaner sentiasa menjalankan amanah mereka sebaik mungkin. *tabik hormat*
  6. Sejukkk. Tapi dengan syarat, bersihkan dulu kipas hehe. Alaaa dua kali setahun cukup.
  7. Boleh sidai baju tanpa nak bertudung berbaju lengan panjang. Sebab design blok nya tertutup. So no worries. Just kena lari laju laju kalau ada announcement pekerja laki nak masuk blok hehe.

And banyak lagi, seriouss! Tuh baru citer keadaan bilik and blok. Belum lagi citer facilities KPZ tuh sendiri. Banyakkkk and lebih kurang jeh macam kolej lain. Perbezaannya, you guys kena discover sendiri. Baru adventure katakan.

Pemandangan dari bilik 110 Blok Bestari, Kolej Pendeta Za'ba.
Tapi nih gambar tahun lepas. Tahun nih punya serious rumput dy hijau memukau. 

Then, masa orientasi.
Orientasi Asasi ngan Kolej lain tau. Asasi punya 3 hari jeh, yang kolej seminggu. Orientasi Asasi best dengan macam macam input boleh dapat. Masa tulah, semangat berkobar kobar nak score 4flat lah, nak jadi produktif lah, nak tuh lah, nak nih lah. Trust me, masa orientasi, kamu akan rasa macam kamu boleh beat semua orang. Haha well lets see whats gonna be happened througout one year Asasi. Muahahaha.

Orientasi kolej lagi lah seronokkk. Takde istilah nak raging raging nih. Sebab senior/mtm KPZ tersangat lah baik. Maybe sebab kitorang budak Asasi yang stay KPZ nih semuanya perempuan jeh, so tak sampai hati nak tengok budak budak cute comel lote nih menangis nangis maybe. Hohoho. Trust me again, takde yang teruk. Even yang ala ala night walk masa malam terakhir tuh still fun bagi saya. Nak ketawa rasa. *ecehhhh berlagaqqq*

Masuk jeh sesi pembelajaran adalah moments yang sangat menarik and best and tak boleh dilupakan. Masa nih lah you guys will create as much as possible experiences and moments with friends, lecturers, Asasi staffs, Hicomms and everyone. Seriously, rinduuuuuu sangat. One year isn't enough for us to gaduh gaduh, masam masam muka, malu malu kucing, or whatever else. Maybe sedikit pergaduhan tuh tak boleh nak dielakkan. Sometimes, fights are much better lessons than loving right.

Salah satu tempat kami menuntut ilmu, Kompleks Akademik E, or better known as KAE.
**credit to Intan Huwaina for this nice pic**

Pemandangn dari tingkat atas KAE. Nun bangunan kat kanan tuh bangunan ASASI 1.

Tapi kalau setahun just nak focus on study, memang rugi lah. Please lahh, balance everything, dunia-akhirat, keperluan-kehendak, study-outing, saving-shopping, serious-seronok, bergurau-respects, and much more. Ini lah permulaan untuk you guys to face everything. And macam nih jugak lah kena diterapkan masa degree and so on.

Creating memories as mush as we can. So we were celebrating Fati's and Jiha's birthday.
Sambil sambil ber-BBQ dengan kuliahmates, kita bergambar dulu sesama girls jeh :P

Okeh back to the landasan, sistem pembelajaran kat sinih boleh tahan packed and boleh tahan renggang. Depends pada waktu tertentu. And depends jugak pada keaktifan hicom. Untuk batch 9 nih, penuh pancaroba. Macam macam berlaku. Sometimes i always thought that why it must be on my batch? Why? Tapi pengalaman katakan.

With lecturers that mostly berpangkat kan "doktor", bersijilkan PhD, master, i was quite nervous at back time if my performance wasn't good enough, honestly. Tapi serious, another new experiences, sebab sesetengah lecturers adalah foreigner! Masa sem 2, daripada 6 subjek yang belajar, 4 daripadanya diajar oleh lecturer foreigner! Memang otak tepu dengan English jeh masa tuh.

The reasons why "boleh tahan packed"
Asper ada 2 test and 1 final exam for every semester. And satu semester ada 16 minggu which 4 bulan. Pembahagiannya, 14 minggu untuk sesi pembelajaran, and another 2 weeks for final exam week. Okeh, final exam ada minggu khas dy, so 2 test tuh campak kat mana? Test 1 diadakan pada malam minggu 4/5 and test 2 pada malam minggu 9/10.Haha this is one of the reason, why saya cakap boleh tahan packed walaupon takdelah sepacked budak budak matriks huhu. 

Masa mula mula dulu memang tunggang langgang jap jadual. Sebab pagi kuliah still berjalan seperti biasa, habis kul 4 petang mostly. Then siap siap, kul 8 malam datang balik untuk sit for test. Nampak macam, "ohh takde lah pack mana" kan? Haha untuk saya yang otak tah pape waktu tuh, serious tak tipu, memang tunggang langgang nak sesuaikan diri. Sebab kalau "nasib baik", masa test week tulah, ada presentations, ada amali pertanian, ada amali bio/chem/phy which is mostly kena hantar pada hari yang sama or sehari selepas tuh. So bila nak study untuk test nya? Masa tuh jugak lah saya belajar jangan study last minute. Tapi buat jugak =='

Belum cerita kalau hicomm or pihak Asasi buat program. Dengan Hunger Games, War Games. Penat tapi berbaloi :)

Untuk "boleh tahan renggang",
Sebabnya, kitorang tak belajar direct terus dari kul 8 sampai 4 petang. Mostly akan ada gap 1 atau 2 jam. So basically, sehari dalam 2 atau 3 lectures. Untuk case saya lah, masa sem 3, hampir setiap hari Selasa kuliah cuma satu jeh. Even sampai takde langsung sehari suntuk. Hmm actually bukan setakat boleh tahan tau, rasa bahagia tahap dewa mungkin. Okehh over :( 

Untuk bab makan, so far alhamdulillah takde lah sampai rasa nak mati kelaparan. Foodcourt memang dekat dengan KPZ. Untuk K13 siap ada kafe sendiri. Kat Pusat Asasi pon ada jual jual makanan. Semua student Asasi kan dapat tajaan KPT dalam 1K setiap sem(depends pada yuran universiti masing-masing). Cukup sangat kalau pandai berjimat. Macam saya, hmmm no comment haha.

Kalau stress, petang petang boleh turun Bukit Ekspo. Tempat riadah warga UPM. Nak ushaa abang abang sado pon boleh jugak. Okeh tak baikk huhu.

Part of Bukit Ekspo's scenery.

Dari segi transportation pulak, bimbang jugak masa mula mula masuk dulu takut takut transportation dy tak bagus ke. Tapi overall, 4 daripada 5 bintang saya berikan. TAHNIAHHH!!! Haha. Nak outing keluar dari UPM pon siap ada bas ke KTM Serdang lagi bedahhh. Dari situh barulah kena tanggung sendiri naik KTM, kalau nak pergi Midvalley ke, Times Square ke, KLCC ke, Putrajaya ke or ape ape lah. Paling dekat, pergi The Mines Mall. Tak payah naik komuter. Just seberang jalan. Kalau nak pergi kuliah, lagi lah berduyun duyun bas disediakan. Masalah pengurusan masa diri sendiri jelah.

Yang kurang satu bintang sebab, hmmm no comment. Tak boleh dinyatakan di sinih. Takut kena saman haha. Maybe lain orang lain pendapat.

Hmm ape lagi nak di share kan? Rasa macam dah semua kan. Okehh bye bye. Love you ^^

Few of Asasi Sains Pertanian Batch 9 2013/2014. After the closing of Hunger Games week.

Well untuk extra bedtime stories, boleh lah roger roger blog kawan saya sorang nih ^^ Syaimaa Said 

**post nih takde lah nak share moments mana pon, just mukadimah ecehhh buang masa you guys jeh nak baca**