Monday, November 10, 2014

Bloopers! First try! Lightworks!

So, long time no see without any updates.

And I'm not going to tell a long story of my current activities. Not at all. But here, why lah tetibe rajin sangat, nak share a short and my first try using Lightworks project. Maybe i love editing video so much. luls

And I'm so sorry to my dear friends for using your bloopers ^^

<<< Bloopers G-SIXTEEN ASPer9 >>>

So here I linked where I got the Lightworks software. Its a nice and looks-so-professional editing video software, but unfortunately we can't add any text in the video.

And at first its hard actually for me to make that simple-17-seconds video. I guess its better to just stick with Ulead Video Studio. But WHY I CAN'T FIND THE FREE ONE?! *crying*

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Mata nih still mengantuk masa nak menaip. Maklum lah dah bulan Ramadhan, selalunya sambung tidur balik lepas bersahur. Tapi harinih still berjaga sebab harus terpaksa meng-update blog nih haaa.

Entry kali nih pasal novel English yang saya baru jeh habis baca. The Finkler Question, written by Howard Jacobson. Anddd ini hanya lah pandangan peribadi saya semata mata.

Okehh there are three main characters, Julian Treslove a non-Jewish people, Sam Finkler a Jewish philosopher, and Libor Sevcik a Jewish Czech.

So, my first impression is, author nih mesti nak ceritakan serba sedikit pasal Jew stuffs. Anddd hell yeahh, its true!

This book is full of Jew information, that gonna makes people to understand them and to sympathy with the ASHAMED Jewish that being attacked by the Anti-Semites which mostly are referred to Arabians/Muslims.

No offense, bukan niat nak bersikap racism tapi, i hate the fact that "some people" are trying to brainwash other people with untruth and bias facts.

So here, i share a little bit of lines of the story that i'd read.

Vandalism. It was licensed hereabouts. Just about everyone who visited the Abbey Road Studios wrote messages on the outside walls. Mostly these were good-natured - So-and-so loves so-and-so, We all live in a yellow submarine, Rest in peace, John! - but one day when Treslove was passing he noticed a new aerosoled graffito in Arabic script. Perhaps it too was a message of love - Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do - but what if it was a message of hate - Imagine there's no Israel, Imagine there's no Jew...?
That he had no reason to suppose any such thing, he knew. Which was partly why he kept his suspicions to himself. But the Arab script look angry. It was like a scribble over everything else that had been written on the walls, a refutation of the spirit of the place.
Or did he imagine that, too? -page192

"And he picked a fight with them? What did he say?"
"Nothing much. He accused them of stealing someone else's country..."
She paused.
"And practising apartheid..."
"And slaughtering women and children."
"There is no and. That's all."
"And then what happened?"
"And then I knocked his hat off."
"You knocked a Jew's hat off."
"Is that so terrible?"
"Jesus Christ, of course it's terrible. You don't do that to anyone, least of all a Jew."
"Least of all a Jew! What? Are we a protected species now or something? These are people who bulldoze Palestinian villages. What's a hat?"
"Did you hurt him?"
"Not enough."
"This is a racist assault, Immanuel."
"Dad, how can it be a racist assault when they're the racist?"
"I'm not even going to answer that."
"Do I look like a racist? Look at me."
"You look like a fucking little anti-Semite."
"How can I be an anti-Semite? I'm a Jew." -page189,190

While these lines show how Jews were the victims of terrorism, Jews are the innocent ones.

And then she told him, without tears, without false sentiment, that her twenty-two-year-old grandson had been stabbed in the face and blinded by an Algerian man who shouted "God is great" in Arabic, and "Death to all Jews". -page153

Eventually it became a clear to him that Gaza wasn't the problem, the problem was the 'Boycott'.
'The Boycott' was a shorthand term for the Comprehensive Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israeli Universities and Institutions. -page142,143

"People hate Jews because they hate Jews, Libor. They don't need an excuse. The trigger isn't the violence in Gaza." page156

"I feared you were going to say we get what we deserve. That it is my grandson's fault that he is blinded. The logic of our film director friend. A Jew dispossesses an Arab in Palestine, another must be blinded in London. What the Jewish people sow, the Jewish people will reap. I don't think I hear you saying that." -page214

The victims of that criminality were not only the Palestinians, but Jews themselves. 

And there's a trick in this story. There's a character, Julian Treslove, that is too fond on Jewish stuff/things/everything.

Yet i agreed, the romanticism can't be denied.

"Look, as far as I'm concerned you're perfect as you are," she told him. "I love you perplexed. This is what you keep saying you want."
"You sure you love me perplexed?"
"I adore you perplexed."
"And if we have a son?"
"We aren't planning to have a son."
"But if we do?"
"That would be different."
"Ah, so what would be good for him, would not be good for me. Already, there are competing criteria of maleness in this house."
"What maleness got to do with it?" -page 195

"My neshomeleh," he said. "It means my little darling. It comes from neshomeh, meaning soul."
"Thank you," she said. "I fear you're going to teach me how to be Jewish."
"I will if you like, bubeleh." -page 160

And, there's few lines that I found it quite interesting and some are funny. Haha

"It was on the credit cards she'd stolen from you - doh!"
"Don't doh me. You know I hate being dohed."
Finkler patted his arm. " It was on the credit cards she'd stolen from you - no doh." 
-page 66

Mamzer is Yiddish for bastard. Treslove can't stop using the word.
Even of himself. Am I lucky Mamzer or what am I? he asks. -page 174

It is terrible to lose a woman you have loved, but it is no less a loss to have no woman to take into your arms and cradle before tragedy strikes... -page6

Lastly I believe, if this book gonna make into a movie, it'll become one of those gross movies I'd ever hate. Too much of sex scenes and sex thoughts. Urghhh =='

Abaikan Nasi Goreng buatan sendiri yang tak berapa nak jadi tuh huhu.

*I just elaborate the review I did in my ig* 
And i remind again, this is only my own perspective.

#TheFinklerQuestion #HowardJacobson #BigBadWolf

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Quotes of Dr Muhaya

Assalamualaikum, Hi.

I know some of you already read this beautiful advices. But I think its a loss not to share to everyone. 


Beautiful advices from Prof Dr Muhaya

Stay away from anger
It hurts only YOU and nobody else
If u are right, then there is no need to get angry
and if u are wrong then u don't have any right to get angry 
Patience with family is love
Patience with others is respect
Patience with self is confidence and
Patience with GOD is faith 
Never think hard about the past, it brings tears
Don't think more about the future, it brings fear
Live this moment with a smile, it brings cheer 
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better
Every problem comes to make us or break us
The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious
Search for a beautiful heart and not a beautiful face
Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful 
Do u know why God created gaps between fingers?
So that who is special to u
comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever 
Never forget this advice....
Happiness keeps Us sweet
Trials keep Us strong
Success keeps Us Glowing 

Have a nice day. Keep positive :)

Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Room cleaning yang tak berapa nak cleaning sangat

Eheyy Assalamualaikum and Hi ^^

Tiga hari balik Kuantan and this is the only time nak kemas bilik since its been 5 months I've been away from Kuantan. Sibuk belajar katakan~ Pastuh bila cuti balik Melaka, bukannya Kuantan.

So bila dah sampai rumah plannya macam banyak sangat nak buat, but in the end just layan 4 episodes Jane By Design and Running Man Episode 104. Habis semua plan ke laut.

But still kena kemas jugak lah bilik tuh. Ala ala room cleaning lah kononnya. And these are what I found and what I'm gonna share.

Sebelum tuh, masa mula mula sampai, masuk bilik jeh, bende first nampak is this~

Abaikan katil tuh. I just wanna show the scarf! Scout scarf!

Like seriously, scout scarf masih tergantung kat situh. Dari 2012 sampai sekarang! Dah dua tahun. Look how I still love Scout actually though started join it when i was Form 4.

Then this "digestive system notes" pon still tertampal kat dinding. Don't know why, tapi rasa macam dah 5 tahun tak balik rumah and bila dah balik terasa ulu tengok keadaan bilik.

Nih Form 2 punya cerita. And arwah mama yang tolong lukiskan.
U know I kan tak pandai lukis lukis nih huhu.

Then bukak wardrobe, terjumpa lah pulak baju uniform Scout yang dah siap gosok tapi tak sempat nak pakai masa minggu last Form 5. Ape masalah ntah aku nih simpan barang bertahun tahun =='

Scout 16~ Ehh "sixteen" ? Haha tak sangka ada jodoh ngan no 16 nih lagi.
High5 to those who know what i meant ^^

Then baju t-shirt K.po aka Kadet Polis. Rasa nye tak pernah pakai pon baju nih, if I'm not mistaken.

Nak pakai tapi rasa macam obvious sangat ke-kadet polis-an tuh. Tak pakai karang membazir jeh.

Okeh now dah start proses mengemas barang. The first thing i found is this, tripod for my Baby Telly~ lol tak pernah guna pon selama nih. Terperuk berhabuk selama hampir dua tahun.

Orang lain dah guna monopod and I still tak rasmi lagi tripod nih.

And thennn, my boot untuk kawad. Honestly i love and miss berkawad~

Boot nih okeh lagi. Siap boleh letak dalam bilik lagi.

The other things are really really mengimbau zaman form 4 ku. Zaman kegelimangan Kpop dalam hidupku. lol. Well look what Kpop did to my money~

I bought 3 albums without my dad's knowledge. Tapi bila dah beli of course lah bagitau :)

Tak cukup nih tunjuk satu gambar. Let me show you one by one. Starting from 2PM Hands Up Special Edition album.



Ahh Khun oppa ^^

Nih dah masuk second book dalam Hands Up SE.




Khun oppa~ Thai prince ^^

Hot maknae! Chansung :)


Again Junho oppa. And he looks like Rain a little bit.

Now calendar Hands Up! 2011 punya kalendar~

Next Wonder Girls album! Wonder World. I wish I bought the limited edition one but unfortunately i have no enough money at the time. So this is it~~~

Now 2PM album again. But this is another album which is "Don't Stop Can't Stop".

One of the reason i like Kpop albums is because of the uniqueness. Tengok lah album diorang bukan setakat letak CD jeh. Sekali gambar alih sana alih sini.

Okayy this is more crazy! Memang gila lah masa Form 4 dulu. I spent twenty one ringgit if I'm not mistaken for those pictures.

Miss A. Don't know why. But i love this picture of them. Debut faces.

Dream High. Suzy & Taecyeon.

2PM in cats hood ^^

My first bias. Of course never left behind.

I love Dream High 1 more than DH 2.

Miss A in SUKIRA 2010.

JYP Nation 2010

Ohh there's much more!

Yang nih pulak DVD cerita Korea. Rasa nye saya join contest kot so that's why boleh dapat nih. Huhu.
Guess what. Sampai sekarang tak tengok lagi. Haha =='

Enough with Kpop stuff, now let's move on to my shelf. Bukunya tak seberapa pon, because I just start reading few books only~ Ada yang beli kat Popular. Ada yang beli kat Big Bad Wolf.


Baru start collect a few. Ada satu lagi buku Harry Potter yang tak letak kat rak tuh. Tak silap yang Half Blood Prince. So these are the books that i'd finished reading. Banyak lagi yang tak baca. Thats why lah tak letak kat rak tuh.

Okay that's it for now.

Assalamualaikum bubye ^^

Sunday, June 15, 2014

May 25th

Assalamualaikum and Hi guys!

Tanggal 25 May.
Tarikh nih dah macam tarikh keramat dah. Ewahhh

Actually bukan ape pon masa 25 Mei nih,
Bukan menang satu juta ringgit pon,
Bukan tarikh saya dapat 4 Flat,
Tarikh saya kahwin pon bukan kayy!

Masa 25 May nih adalah tarikh birthday kawan lama saya yang saya kenal dari Form2. Dah lama tak jumpa sejak amik result SPM harituh. Rinduuuu~

And 25 May 2013, adalah tarikh saya daftar Asasi. Buat pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di bumi Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang, Selangor. Dan menjadi warga ASPer Batch 9 :) Dan juga dijodohkan bersama dengan Awesomeness Sixteen :*

And latest, 25 May 2014, adalah tarikh pertama kali saya kerja. Okayyy ulu kan? I know it. But who cares~ This is my life.
So first time kerja, di Cool Station Pengkalan. So kerja nya dok blend ice or shake water or buat waffle. And jaga keseluruhan kedai selama 12 jam. Huwaaa penat T_T
I wish gaji dy up sikit T_T

Hmm actually I do love experiences, the most precious things that can't been bought.

Bak dalam lirik lagu Hujung dunia by Hanie Soraya,

"Segala yang pernah kita lalui, Menjadikan kita yang hari ini"

So I'm anticipating of the next 25 May. Hope yang baik baik and yang mematangkan diri. Amin~

Ohh sebelum lupa, new fact untuk guys, Allahyarham Sudirman Haji Arshad, penyanyi tersohor negara pon lahir pada 25 Mei 1954 :)

Bye, see you next time ^^ Assalamualaikum

Saturday, June 7, 2014

War Games Asasi Sains Pertanian Batch 9 2013/2014

Assalamualaikum, Hi there!

Today is holiday so this is the only opportunity for me to update blog. Yeayyy thank you Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Happy Birthday. Semoga panjang umur dan diberkati Allah :)

Okayyy let's straight to the point for what I'm writing today.

Well lagi sebulan cukup setahun anniversary War Games ASPer Batch 9
Cehhh War Games jeh pon, siap nak ber anniversary bagai.

Heyy its important kayy. Tak lengkap Asasi anda tanpa War Games. Tak ASPer lah kalau takde War Games. Haaa nampak tak War Games tuh satu trandmark untuk ASPerians.

I'm not sure since which batch War Games is included as one of the ASPer activities, but here now I'm going to tell every details that I know about War Games.

Sebagai ASPer Batch 9, kami seramai 500++ pelajar dibahagikan kepada dua tempat which are Kem Lambaian Danau Jasin, Melaka dan Teratak Riverview Tanjung Malim, Perak.

Untuk setiap kem students dipecahkan lagi kepada beberapa kumpulan. And trust me pihak Asasi memang sengaja letak nama ntah pape. Masa Batch kitorang, nama buah jadi mangsa. Pisang, Rambutan, Betik(my group^^), Durian and blablabla.

Tak silap, Batch sebelum nih not sure either trackers or streamers, diorang dapat nama haiwan. Badak antara contohnya. Aduhaiii =='

So bersedia lah guys nama ape pulak yang korang dapat. Hewhewhew.

Antara Kem di Jasin or Tanjung Malim, I think kat Jasin is much more tougher. Plus that I was been sent there so I know lah. Haha

Nak tau pasal Kem kat Tanjung Malim, mohon rujuk blog orang lain ye because I just can share what's happened in Kem Lambaian Danau, Jasin Melaka only.

Di kem nih, pleaseee sangat sangat jangan membazirkan baju seluar kasut anda yang cantik mewah bergaya tuh untuk direndam dalam lumpur lumpur cinta. Bawak lah baju yang anda memang dah taknak pakai because there is one activity that is called War Games itself and korang memang akan berendam bermandi manda bergolek golek dalam lumpur tuh. Muahahaha. Okeh I want to save this lumpur lumpur story until end of writing. People call "Save the best for the last" isn't?

Sebelum bertolak. Tengok beg masing masing. Ada yang simple, ada yang macam nak camping 10 hari.

Kat both Kem, either di Jasin or Tanjung Malim, anda tidak dibenarkan membawa phone or barang berharga. So sesampai jeh kat sana, barang barang berharga anda especially phone akan dikumpulkan and disimpan. The reason is of course taknak berlaku sebarang kes hilang barang kan. Besides, diorang taknak korang tak fokus pada aktiviti, nak WhatsApp lah, Insta lah, Twitter lah. So senang citer, tinggal jeh duit phone segala bagai kat bilik. Kad matriks pon tak perlu bawak.

Masa mula mula sampai kat Kem Lambaian Danau, Jasin. Phone duit semua dah kena kutip T_T

Kitorang harituh bertolak tengah hari Jumaat, and sampai dalam petang. 
Don't worry transportation is supported by pihak Asasi Sains Pertanian :) Macam biasa lah bila dah sampai ada briefing, solat Zuhur dulu, makan makan, that's standard.

First activity, water confident. Macam biasa kitorang kena apungkan diri kat atas air. And blablabla. Tapi still sampai sekarang tak pernah confident pon bila dalam air. Huwaaa TT_TT

Seronok sangat budak budak laki nih ber-water confident.

Then malamnya, malam pertama of course lah ala ala ice breaking kan. Baru sebulan lebih Asasi, so masih ramai lagi yang kitorang tak kenal waktu tuh. Untuk Kem Lambaian Danau, kitorang tak guna nama kumpulan buah buahan tuh tau. Special sikit. Kitorang diperdayakan dengan satu game. Setiap kumpulan kena bagi satu penyakit berserta ubat nya. But actually nama penyakit tulah menjadi nama kumpulan kami.

Unfortunately and funnily, the group names are Sengal, Sembelit, Kencing Manis, Demam Kura Kura, etc. And my group's name is Cirit Birit. Siap kena buat cheers lagi based on nama group masing masing. Idea yang tak senonoh memberi kelebihan kepada kami tau. Haha. Btw, until now, I still love Sengal's cheers. Heyyyyyyy sengal sengal heyyyyyy sengal sengal

And, nak memudahkan kerja masa Ice Breaking, kitorang dibekalkan kain untuk tulis nama and pakai kat kepala.

Then, we have nightwalk kat hutan! Okeh nih first time experience. Berdebar and mencabar jugak. Because I didn't know how my reaction would be when I'm in that kind of situation. Kitorang dilepaskan one by one. I'm not sure sape orang lepas saya, tapi dy jalan laju sangat sampai dy betul betul kat belakang saya, and I could hear her reciting du'a. Ya Allah. I didnt say that saya nih berani sangat, tapi daripada seram jadi lawak pulak waktu tuh. Haihhh Farah jangan berlagak sangat. Astaghfirullah astaghfirullah~

***sorry lah takde gambar. Gambar ape jeh yang boleh share gelap gelap kat hutan***

Sok pagi nya, kitorang ada Zapin Ayam. Okeh masa nih rasa macam nak tercabut segala otot, anggota kaki tangan. Masha Allah, terasa macam lemak nak terbakarrr. Paling pedih nya masa kitorang kena depankan tangan macam ala ala pocong gituh, sambil tuh buat macam ketuk ketampi tak silap 30 kali. Tak tahan sangat masa tuh. Pak Let aka owner Kem Lambaian Danau tuh cakap kalau nak pengsan sekarang pengsan jeh, sebab lepas tuh kitorang kena lagi teruk, which is Explorace!

Tepi tepi tepi, tepi depan belakang, tepi depan tepi belakang, tepi depan belakang~
Hoooiiii penat kot ber Zapin Ayam.

Then, Explorace adalah aktiviti paling menguji keyakinan, stamina dan iman diri saya dalam seumur hidup. SERIOUSLY! Kitorang kena berjalan bersama ahli kumpulan di dalam hutan, estet, paya dan perkampungan sejauh 10 km! Dan sepanjang explorace ada beberapa checkpoints yang kitorang kena selesaikan.

The reason I said menguji keyakinan, stamina dan iman is,


Ada beberapa halangan or checkpoint di mana dua daripada nya kami kena redah paya bersih dan paya kotor berlumpur sedikit. Bagi saya yang tak gheti beghenang nih and takut mati lemas, cabaran nih menjadi cabaran ala ala fear factor gituh. Sebab untuk paya bersih, kaki saya yang pendek nih tak berapa sampai kat dasar. All depends on semangat berkumpulan sebab tangan kiri kanan pegang tangan ahli lain and redah paya tuh tanpa terlepas tangan. Masa tuh kena ada teknik macam mana nak kekal terapung sambil bergerak naik paya balik tanpa lepas tangan member lain tau! Okeh terlebih emo =='

Untuk paya yang berlumpur sikit, of course lumpur kan, sambil berjalan atas tuh kasut mesti rasa macam nak tertanggal. And kalau tertanggal, nasib badan lah sebab ingat its a 10-km-journey-explorace. There's no turning back!


Dah dengar 10km journey, so if you lemah fizikal dan mental, you can't finished what you'd started. I wasn't say orang yang berjaya tamatkan Explorace nih stamina dy tiptop tahap 10 kuasa 12. NO! Its about your physical and mental that both support you in a very wise way, depends on the person. So you can relate it very well with the real life. Kalau nak habiskan sesuatu yang awak mulakan, your physical and mental must intelligent enough to coordinate very well. 


Okeh yang nih just untuk case saya jeh kot huhu. Nak cerita sikit taktik budak laki Cirit Birit, diorang split kepada dua. Half akan bergerak kat depan sekali, means dy akan lead group kitorang, another half akan kat belakang sekali, so that diorang akan pastikan takde budak perempuan Cirit Birit yang tercirit ehh tercicir. And guess what, I'm the last girl and the slowest one. Yelah my stamina tak kuat mana pon. Plus that I'm not a sportwoman yang aktif bersukan. Nasib baik lah ada Ee-Leen my kuliahmate, boleh teman jalan sama sama kat belakang tuh. Haihh malu kot waktu tuh. Sampai budak budak laki tuh asyik tanya "okeh tak?", "boleh go on lagi ke?", "macam nak pucat jeh", and even ada yang siap suruh Syuaib angkat saya lagi kalau saya rasa tak larat. Ohhh, kalau iman tak kuat, maybe saya biar jeh Syuaib angkat. Hahaha tapi tak pon.

But guess what, Cirit Birit menang no 1 okayy untuk Explorace! Bukan calang calang. Selepas dilintas, melintas, dilintas and akhirnya kami berjaya melintas balik. Checkpoint terakhir yang kena redah paya lumpur tuh yang menjauhkan sikit jurang kitorang ngan group lagi satu. Its because of they didn't follow the instruction and terpedaya dengan soalan abang abang pengacau kat tepi tuh. Poor Mr President, mesti dipersalahkan sbb dia lah punca group dy dapat tempat ketiga Explorace tak silap.

Dah siap Explorace dengan baju lumpur lumpur basah, mandi sungai jap, then bersihkan diri, solat Zuhur, and makan.

*** there were few pictures I put here before, but for some reasons I delete them. sorry***

Petangnya, kitorang ada lumba rakit. Yang nih seronok jugak. Kitorang kena bina rakit masing masing yang kuat and terbaik untuk tampung 11 orang termasuk abang fasi masing masing. Then baru lumba ramai ramai antara group. I'm not sure berapa jauh sungai tuh, tapi kitorang kena pergi sejauh mata memandang, then patah balik, tukar member, and do the same, and tukar member lagi, AND DO THE SAME! Penat wehhh! Nak patah tangan. And paling kelakar, kitorang yang last sampai. Aduhhh malu pulak. But experiences beat everything :)

Nih lah group Cirit Birit masa lumba rakit. Not sure ada saya tak dalam gambar nih.

Malam nya, which is malam kedua kami, and malam terakhir kami di Kem Lambaian Danau, of course mesti ada sesi persembahan antara group. Ada yang buat dikir barat lah, lakonan lah, menyanyi pon ada, *woot woot group kitorang lah tuh* macam macam lah kreativiti yang terkeluar masa tuh.

Siap berdikir barat lagi kau jahhh.

Then esok pagi, hari last, the main activity, WAR GAMES. Masa nih lah kitorang akan bermain dengan lumpur. Dahsyat sangat. Tak percaya? Tengok gambar bawah nih.

Nih baru permulaan. Masih lagi nampak warna baju. Tengok lah akhirnya nanti macam mana.

War Games nih adalah peperangan antara askar Bangla dengan Indon.

Askar Bangla vs askar Indon

Cara nak kalahkan pihak lawan adalah matikan Jeneral nya. Jeneral kena pandai bawak diri, and askar askar kena protect Jeneral no matter what. So kitorang dibekalkan dengan telur telur ayam untuk matikan Jeneral pihak lawan. Tapi susah nak cari Jeneral nya siapa, sebab tuh rahsia pihak masing masing. So nak taknak matikan askar pihak lawan sebanyak yang boleh dengan telur ayam tuh. Perghhh nih memang perang habis. SERIOUS TALK! Haha.

Selepas tiga round berperang, Askar Indon menang War Games. Selaku team Bangla, saya berasa sedih sebab kalah. #ehh haha. 

Dengan semangat nya nak baling telur.

Seronok berlumpur cinta~

Ini lah dinamakan, "datang dengan warna warni, pulang dengan satu warna".

And sebelum balik, sesi bagi bagi hamper, sedihnya group Cirit Birit tak dapat johan kesuluruhan. Tapi moments sepanjang War Games takkan kami lupakan.

Cirit Birit in memory~

Keseluruhannya, it was seriously a new experience that i'd never experienced before. AWESOME SANGAT. And rindu~~~ Tapiiiii, kalau orang tanya nak pergi lagi tak? NO is my answer. Haha. Cukup lah sekali seumur hidup.

So guys, feel the moments :) Tak semua dapat experience macam nih. Hanya pelajar Asasi Sains Pertanian ASPer jeh tau.

P/s: I'm start writing this three days early. Susah wehh nak cerita or karang pengalaman kat War Games nih. Ambil masa nak flashback semua.